probléme de montage de clé usb

i'm trying to mount my usb device in fedora 7(vmware)
i use the comand:
mount /sda1 /mnt
but when i go to /mnt i find the content of the folder /boot.
can u tell me what's the problem?

please read the rules... this is an english only forum!

rule #9

Do you get an error message?

Which device is the vmware hard drive which you are booting from? sda1 sounds like a good guess. Probably your USB stick is on sdb or sdc, or even sdd. Try sudo fdisk -l -- your USB stick will probably have a single partition, and the size should match the size of the stick. Also try look in the system log files for messages pertaining to the insertion of a removable device. (Are you sure it's not being automatically mounted? Many modern Linux distros will do that for you by default.)