Problem with samba

I am on Linux, Redhat 7.3 and I am mounting a samba filesystem from windows2k advance server via "mount -t smbfs //win2kserver/sharedir /mnt/fromwin2k". The mount was successfull, however when another user besides root tries to write to the a directory under the mounted filesystem, user get an error, permission was denied. As root, I have tried chowning the dir, but the system would not let me change the ownership on the directory. I've also tried chmod, but permission still remains the same. How do I mount an smbfs file system and give proper permission for a particular user to write to it?

Has anyone run into a similar problem such as this? If so, what was the solution? Thanks.

You set the type of security permissions of the mount in the smb.conf file. Sort of like the share permissions you set in windows. NB These are additional to the file system permissions.