problem with pmap_set (portmapper)

Hi guys, i am putting this problem again please help me out..
The RPC problem is appearing on the screen while starting the portmap service,take a look of the real..

[root@kickstart-server ~]#/etc/init.d/portmap restart
Stopping portmap: [ OK ]
Starting portmap: [ OK ]
Cannot register service: RPC: Timed out
not registered: 100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper

And network is also is appearing wrong..

Please help me out

[root@kickstart-server ~]# /etc/init.d/network restart
Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Invalid argument
do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Invalid argument
do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Invalid argument
Setting network parameters: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface eth0:

portmap is not working properly. Make sure /etc/rpc is there and has a valid portmapper line. Also check if you have any firewall rules preventing localhost from connecting. All the errors are resulting from this.

The /etc/init.d/portmap script tries to run portmap and then load portmap with its last-known-state. If portmap isn't running, you'll get the RPC/timeout errors.

You don't really need portmap unless you intend to run NFS or NIS on a LAN.

thank you otheus for your assistance...
but actually i have disabled firewall setting and i am putting my /etc/rpc file just have a look of it..

#ident "@(#)rpc 1.11 95/07/14 SMI" /* SVr4.0 1.2 */
# rpc
portmapper 100000 portmap sunrpc rpcbind
rstatd 100001 rstat rup perfmeter rstat_svc
rusersd 100002 rusers
nfs 100003 nfsprog
ypserv 100004 ypprog
mountd 100005 mount showmount
ypbind 100007
walld 100008 rwall shutdown
yppasswdd 100009 yppasswd
etherstatd 100010 etherstat
rquotad 100011 rquotaprog quota rquota
sprayd 100012 spray
3270_mapper 100013
rje_mapper 100014
selection_svc 100015 selnsvc
database_svc 100016
rexd 100017 rex
alis 100018
sched 100019
llockmgr 100020
nlockmgr 100021
x25.inr 100022
statmon 100023
status 100024
bootparam 100026
ypupdated 100028 ypupdate
keyserv 100029 keyserver
sunlink_mapper 100033
tfsd 100037
nsed 100038
nsemntd 100039
showfhd 100043 showfh
ioadmd 100055 rpc.ioadmd
NETlicense 100062
sunisamd 100065
debug_svc 100066 dbsrv
ypxfrd 100069 rpc.ypxfrd
bugtraqd 100071
kerbd 100078
event 100101 na.event # SunNet Manager
logger 100102 na.logger # SunNet Manager
sync 100104 na.sync
hostperf 100107 na.hostperf
activity 100109 na.activity # SunNet Manager
hostmem 100112 na.hostmem
sample 100113 na.sample
x25 100114 na.x25
ping 100115
rpcnfs 100116 na.rpcnfs
hostif 100117 na.hostif
etherif 100118 na.etherif
iproutes 100120 na.iproutes
layers 100121 na.layers
snmp 100122 na.snmp snmp-cmc snmp-synoptics snmp-unisys snmp-utk
traffic 100123 na.traffic
nfs_acl 100227
sadmind 100232
nisd 100300 rpc.nisd
nispasswd 100303 rpc.nispasswdd
ufsd 100233 ufsd
pcnfsd 150001 pcnfs
amd 300019 amq
sgi_fam 391002 fam
bwnfsd 545580417
fypxfrd 600100069 freebsd-ypxfrd

could you again assist me to fix it.

Sorry, but I don't see a problem with the rpc file. The question is whether or not it existed.

send me the output of these commands (run as root):

/sbin/service portmap stop
ps auxww|grep port
netstat -anp |grep 100000	
/sbin/service portmap start
ps auxww|grep port
netstat -anp |grep 100000	

A glance of services..

[root@kickstart-server ~]# /etc/init.d/portmap stop
Stopping portmap: [ OK ]
[root@kickstart-server ~]# ps auxww |grep port
root 15356 0.3 2.7 18840 14288 pts/0 S 18:20 0:10 Xvnc :1 -desktop kickstart-server:1 (root) -httpd /usr/share/vnc/classes -auth /root/.xauths6dxs9 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -pn
root 15983 0.0 0.1 5604 648 pts/0 R+ 19:18 0:00 grep port
[root@kickstart-server ~]# netstat -anp |grep 100000
[root@kickstart-server ~]#
[root@kickstart-server ~]# /etc/init.d/portmap start
Starting portmap: [ OK ]
[root@kickstart-server ~]# ps auxww |grep port
root 15356 0.3 2.7 18840 14288 pts/0 S 18:20 0:11 Xvnc :1 -desktop kickstart-server:1 (root) -httpd /usr/share/vnc/classes -auth /root/.xauths6dxs9 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -pn
root 15998 0.0 0.1 3240 640 ? Ss 19:21 0:00 portmap
root 16002 0.0 0.1 5212 648 pts/0 R+ 19:22 0:00 grep port
[root@kickstart-server ~]# netstat -anp |grep 100000
[root@kickstart-server ~]#

ok, good. But I don't see the warning/error that earlier accompanied the startup. Could it be it's working now?

Actually all thing are working fine but while restarting the portmap and network service this error coming.

[root@kickstart-server ~]# service portmap restart
Stopping portmap: [ OK ]
Starting portmap: [ OK ]
Cannot register service: RPC: Timed out
not registered: 100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
[root@kickstart-server ~]#

[root@kickstart-server ~]# service network restart
Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Network is unreachable
do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Network is unreachable
do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Network is unreachable
Setting network parameters: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ]
[root@kickstart-server ~]#

After restart, do this:

netstat -anp |grep portmap

You should see something like this:

tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN      1656/portmap
udp        0      0       *                               1656/portmap

Then try to telnet port 111:

telnet localhost 111

If you get a connection refused or some such, check your networking and firewall settings again. If you get connected, close the connection and we'll go to the next step.

Hi Otheus,
At first thanks for this much of help.
by the way i did these steps...

1): Restarted the portmap service

[root@kickstart-server ~]# service portmap restart
Stopping portmap:                                          [  OK  ]
Starting portmap:                                          [  OK  ]
Cannot register service: RPC: Timed out
not registered:     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
[root@kickstart-server ~]#

2): This step was OK as you assist :
[root@kickstart-server ~]# netstat -anp |grep portmap

tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN      9706/portmap
udp        0      0       *                               9706/portmap

3): Telnet was being stuck after this with the err Connection closed by foreign host.
although i have disabled firewall setting.

[root@kickstart-server ~]# telnet localhost 111
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'

That's CORRECT behavior for telnet (step 3) in this set of circumstances.

Edit /etc/init.d/portmap so that the second line reads:

set -x

It would be nice if you post the output as an attachment. It will be quite lengthy. In the web form for this board, click "Go Advanced" and then "Manage Attachments" to see how to upload a text file.

find the portmap file attachment...

Once again, add "set -x" to the top of the file, and re-run it. Paste the OUTPUT of the command as an attachment :slight_smile:

OKey..... i am pasting it here.

the good news: that's what I expected. The bad news: I have no idea what's causing pmap_set to fail.

No matter that's OK..!!
But Thanks for your assistance..

Try removing pmap_set from the script. That will at least get rid of the first error message. Again, do you really need NFS?