problem with flat file

I have two flat files which is generated by some automated process.
When I tried to view both files in vi editor using vi command both looks same. But I typed
=>cat TEST_WESM900033
&&TLR|0wes [mwtest1] /usr5/datafiles/batch/M9

=>cat TEST_WESM90004
wes [mwtest1] /usr5/datafiles/batch/M9
For the file TEST_WESM900033 command promp comes in the same line, where as for the file TEST_WESM90004 command prompt comes in the next line as shown in the above example. Even I tried with wc -l for both file TEST_WESM900033 (number of lines 1) and TEST_WESM90004 (number of lines 2). Can any one help me what could be the reason and how to fix it.

Try opening the file with vi and issue the

:set list

command and see if any special, unvisible characters show up, like new line, end of line, etc.

run dos2unix command for both the files and see again: -
run it like: -
#dos2unix TEST_WESM900033 TEST_WESM900033
for each file
Looks like End of the line char is missing from the TEST_WESM900033