Problem with awk,not able print the file that is greater than 3000 bytes.

My Script:

date=`date +%y%m%d -d"1 day ago"`
cp `grep -il ST~856~ $inbound_dir/*$date*` /vis/sumit/in_ASN/

        for i in /vis/sumit/in_ASN/*
        mkdir -p /vis/sumit/inboundasns.$date
        cp \`echo $i\` /vis/sumit/inboundasns.$date 
             tr -c '[A-Z] [0-9] [a-z] ~' '[ *]' <$i > b
             awk -F "DTM~" '\{print $1\}' b > c
             awk -F "~SH~" '\{print $2\}' c > d
             awk -F "~" '\{print $1","$2","$3","$4","$11\}' d >> a.csv

awk command is not able to print a file which is of 3000 bytes.
can any one advise...

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