Problem sending excel attachments with MIME::Lite in perl

I am running a perl script that generates an excel doc and then emails it as an attachment. I can generate the excel file fine. I can scp it from the box and open it with no problems. When I send it over email, the file does open properly. The file in email is only 288 B, but on the server it is 2K. Please help.

I am not sure it matters, but I am running this script in the Solaris OS.

        my $emailrep = MIME::Lite->new(
                To => $EMAIL_RCPT,
                Subject => $SUBJECT,
                Type => 'multipart/mixed'
        ) || &errordie("-emailreport- Cannot create new email with MIME::Lite: $!");

        $emailrep->attach (
                Type => 'TEXT',
                Data => $mymessage
        ) || &errordie("-emailreport- Cannot create new email with MIME::Lite: $!");

        $emailrep->attach (
                Path => $OUTDIR,
                Filename => $EXCELREPORT,
                Type => 'application/',
                Dispostion => 'attachment'
        ) || &errordie("-emailreport- Cannot create email with attachment: $!");


Perhaps you meant something else?