problem executed shell command from PL/SQL

i wrote plsql procedure that executed shell command
using java class

my problem is that in some reason
the shell command ( liks Is -l , mv ... ) are not recordnize

can someone help me with that


I don't know a command called "liks", so I'm guessing that it's some utility on your system.

Find out where "liks" is - the directory path to it. Add the path to your command:

/path/to/liks Is -l , mv 

Next, you cannot put a comma after a command. The reason is because the mv command is next in the line.

I think you have hashed up a series of commands. Can you tell us what the command line is supposed to to? Not what commands you want to use.

hi jim thanks for you answer

correction :
i ment

my problem is that in some reason
the shell commands ( like : ls -l , mv ....) are not recordnize

i need to write plsql code that call perl script
and pass XML to the perl
and perl script suppose to call web service
and return value suceed or failed

