Probably an easy SMIT question- "Unable to open temp file"

Hi All,

Can't find any documentation on the web for this anywhere, except about three web pages that are in Chinese.

When I enter SMIT on this box, I get

ERROR MESSAGE: Unable to open temp file

I suspected smit.log, but it is universal readable, writeable by root, and I am root.
Anyone come across this? What file is it trying to open?

Thanks much

Is the temp directory filled up (100%) or close to it? You might try deleting some of the files.

Either /tmp or any other filesystem SMIT might use: /var/tmp maybe or something such. Issue "df -k" and watch for numbers close to 100%. (Disregard /usr in this case, it is no problem if it is filled up to 95+%)


Hmmm. Very odd....
/tmp is only at 11% used.

Nothing else is beyond 60%, except /usr which is at 97%.

However, the /tmp directory, which is rwxrwxrwt, will not permit creation of files.

I cannot

touch file

in /tmp. I tried aclget on the directory, it says extended permissions are disabled. Whatever is causing this, it seems to be the trouble.

When I try to save a file in /tmp, I get

Invalid file system control data detected

OK, this doesn't look too good.

unmount /tmp and do a "fsck -y" on the filesystem and/or the logical volume (i suppose that is hd3, but i am not sure, issue "lsvg -l rootvg" to find out).

If any errormessage comes up you cannot understand post it here. Have a look in the error-log ("errpt" and "errpt -a" respectively) and watch out for "HDISK3" and/or "HDISK4" type errors. These would indicate a harddisk failure.

After fsck-ing the filesystem remount it and try if that solved the problem. If not please write the symptoms along with the output of fsck here.

Good luck.


Unfortunately this is a production box, and I am a new employee quite low in the scheme of things. Not at liberty to be unmounting filesystems on the fly- only tasked to load a software package and get out. Hellfire and damnation could befall me.

I have checked errpt and there are no outstanding errors with HDISK3.
This is a curious problem though- I seem to remember something like this many years ago happening, but can find nothing in my notes.

Root user not able to create any file in /tmp. One would think, these people would be having problems with their applications themselves on this server. At any rate I will report and investigate. Thanks!