Print the first four characters of hostname

I'm trying to print the first four characters of the hostname of a computer.

I can get it from using:
hostname -s | sed 's/...........$//'"

but this is when I know how many characters are in the computer name.

I dont understand why some like:
hostname -s | sed '/..../p'
wont work?

Any ideas?


hostname -s|cut -c 1-4

Thanks Mate! I have spent a number of hour trying to find this out?


Because that sed line says: "If the incoming line has 4 characters then print it."

If you wanted to print just the first 4 with sed, you could use:

hostname -s | sed 's/^\(....\).*/\1/'

which seems cumbersome compared to the cut, but sed is capable of much more than cut ... cheers, drl

can try this also

hostname|awk '{print substr($1,1,4)}'


Last 4 characters how can i print

using a similar idea(s) as above......

Though longer than some other solutions, this will be much faster because it doesn't use any external commands other than hostname:

echo ${hostname%"$temp"}

But it is also possible that your shell already has the output of hostname in the variable $HOSTNAME (bash does), and you don't need any external command:

echo ${HOSTNAME%"$temp"}