Print a python script down a list in a text file without printing a lot combinations

In a python script I have 2 files printing side by side on the same line. I want to have 1 of the files to be already displayed at once while the other file print down the list in the file and it still will produce new lines. I want to do it like that to reduce printing a lot of lines and combinations.

    from itertools import izip_longest

    with open("file1") as textfile1, open("file2") as textfile2:
     for x, y in izip_longest(textfile1, textfile2, fillvalue=""):
         x = x.strip()
         y = y.strip()
         print("{0}{1}".format(x, y))

This is what the script does now:

    aaaaaa 111111

    bbbbbb 222222

    cccccc 333333     Both lines move and still print
                      the same lines every time.
    dddddd 444444  

    eeeeee 555555

    gggggg 666666

What I desire the script to do: 

                 This file2 is
                 about to go 
                 through file1
                    111111    This will print first in the order of the file
                    222222    second
                    333333    third
                    444444    fourth
                    555555    fifth
                    666666    This will print last in the order of the file
     This file1
     is already
     loaded or
     at once
     not moving
     at all
     bbbbbb        As file2 goes down file1, each line
                   should hit every line creating a new
     cccccc        combination until the list has completely
                   went through.
                      file2 is done going
                      through file1
      111111 should hit aaaaaa first, 
      then when 111111 will hit bbbbbb,  
      222222 should be on aaaaaa, 
      then when 111111 hit cccccc, 
      2222222 should be on bbbbbb, 
      then 333333 should be on aaaaaa, then so on and so on. 
      The list should go down the other list in a trail line until completely.
Example of output
            Example of output or what I should see in terminal 

    bbbbbb 666666
    cccccc 555555
    dddddd 444444
    eeeeee 333333   Each line is trailing down the list
    gggggg 222222  