Preparing LaTeX files using Sed/AWK for processing with latex2html

As the title states, my issue involves preparing LaTeX documents for processing with latex2html.

Within my LaTeX docs I have used a package which allows me to cleanly display source code listings. However the package is not supported by latex2html which, when processed, does not display the listing at all. An example of the command employed within a LaTeX doc is shown below:

\lstinputlisting[label=sc:rfdec,caption=RF Decipher]{source/rfdec.c}

I wish to substitute any occurances of the above lines into the following format:

\\ Filename: source/rfdec.c
\\ Coded by: ...
\\ Date:     ...
\\ Location: ...
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>

static void sig_rf(int)

int main(void)

Any suggestions?

Make use of the sed feature given in the links below.
5.5 Append, Insert, and Change
5.11 Reading and Writing Files

Nice one bud. Will look into them right away.

Did you find a solution to your problem? I am also looking for a way to use lst listings with latex2html so perhaps you can share your conversion script? Even when it would be incomplete, you could help me a lot.

Thanks a lot in advance,