prashant_ohol - please read


Please do not take this as a reprimand, it is meant as guidance not reproach. Active contibution is always welcome here.

However the purpose of this particular forums is intended to be for questions and answers, and postings like your fall more in the FAQ category, and would probably be more useful in that context, also posting like this also has a tendency to hide posts from people asking for assistance.

Weith this in mind, might I suggest that you write a FAQ atricle and post it to the FAQ submission queue. You will then be able to update a single thread, with individual posting on the various topics, and the thread can easily be found should someone require it. I would be quite happy to merge your threads and move the resulting thread to the FAQ queue to save you any need to retype what you have already written.

Okay no praw


Please delete my all the posts

Thank You,