Powerha on AIX 6.1.9


ive installed powerha 7.1.3 on two servers aix 6.1.9 6100-09-03-1415
work with dmx4 EMC storgae.

after sync cluster ( terminate with OK ) ive see that the repository disk upper only in one machine :

hdiskpower60    00c7f6b59fc60d9d                    caavg_private   active
hdiskpower60    00c7f6b59fc60d9d                    None

some one got this problem / have an idea


First off, i wouldn't want to run HACMP 7.1.3 off an 6.1 LPAR. I strongly suggest to update to 7.1.3 SP3 from May. Do not forget the two necessary efixes.

Two probable causes for your problem come to mind: have you zoned the LUN for concurrent access? Second, Repository disks are supported via NPIV only if the storage is IBM (yes, thanks a lot, IBM, for that open system). As you use EMC storage (like me) you have to provide the disk via iSCSI, which means via the VIOS.

Please tell us how the Repo-disk is connected to the system, which driver suite you use for your FC adapters - in short, describe your system better.

I hope this helps.
