Portsnap in FreeBSD7.4

Am using FreeBSD7.4/i386
I forgot to install ports,
So now trying to install them using "portsnap fetch"
I get the output as

Help me to sort out this..

This means that you do not have an internet connection. Are all cables plugged in properly? Did you install with DHCP? Does elinks work? You may also want to restart the machine to ensure that all drivers are detected. Normally the network card should work straight after installation.

You can try csup to obtain the tree ports:

# csup -L 2 -h cvsup.FreeBSD.org /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile

but first edit that supfile to change the mirror with one close to your location.

If You have problem with network , try to reconfigure with ifconfig.

Thank You!! It works!! :o