Piping with grep

Hi everybody,

I have a big file with blast results (if you know what this means, otherwise look at it just as a text file with a specific form).

I am trying to extract some ids from within this file, which have certain parameters.
For example, some Of my IDs have the term 'No hit results' connected to them.
This is what I am trying to extract.
this is how it looks loike:

Query= ssc-miR-345-3p_st


RID: 1307544734-17235-35154543375.BLASTQ1

***** No hits found *****

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Effective search space used: 0

In the complete file I have 15517 'Query=' and for 389 of them I can also find 'No hits found'.

My Qeustion is how can I found out which Queries are connected to this 'No hits'.

I tried it with :

split -a 5 -p '/Query=' filename

grep -lr 'No' . | grep 'Query='

But this doesn't work.

I just don't understand how to grep in many files and than pipe it to a second grep option.

I would be happy for any help.


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