PHP:display by date

Can php + MySQL display stuff out of table by its date.?

e.g. In a table have id, date, title, details

can php display the info three weeks before the date in the db?

What fuction would i use?

Try loading the data into a giant multi-dimensional array and using one of the (associative?) array sorting functions rearrange the data. To set the displayed date back a week, subtract the number of seconds in a week from the timestamp, if you're using an epoch format dts in the db. then use getdate("whatever", ($array[id][date] - $num_seconds)); to display it.

Your post is worded rather confusingly. Could you please rephrase it? I don't think I'm quite getting the gist of what you're saying.


MySql DB:

 Table: people

  |  id   |   Name   | Address |
  |  02  |   Jo        |   Soap    |
  | 03   |   Mary     |  Soap    |

I want a html form to let people add more into that table.

Then on 21st September 2003 i want php to stop allowing people to enter data into the table and print whats in the database onto a page.

How would i do this ?

if(getdate("something") <= $end_date)

i'm sure you can fill in the blanks.