Permanent ip routing

I am trying to add a permanent route on my server, but whenever i reboot it dissapears.

Please does anyone know the correct command to use.


the above is what i have done.


using IRIX SGI software.

The route add command will only put a route in the routing table for as long as the machine is not rebooted - you need to edit the network configuration files on your machine to add the static route.

These files depend on what flavour of UNIX you're using. In HP-UX it's the netconf file under /etc/rc.config.d - every version of UNIX will have a network configuration file which will be easy enough to find.

You just need to add the interface name, IP address, Gateway and subnet mask as a separate static route instance.


on solaris we can add the route add entry in /etc/rc2.d/S72inetsvc file so that it will remain even after a reboot.