Perl/Tk - user value


I am new to perl TK world.

I am having doubt that for the below code.

How to take the value of selected and text box value from out of the loop.

use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;

# Mainwindow: sizex/y, positionx/y

my $mid_value;
$mid_value= \&create_dropdown_dit();

#$ref = \&getGlobalName();


sub create_dropdown {
    my $toplam  = shift;
    # Create dropdown and another element which shows my selection
    my $dropdown_value;
    my $dropdown = $toplam->BrowseEntry(
        -label => "Label",
        -variable => \$dropdown_value,
        )->place( -x => 100, -y => 15);
    my $showlabel = $toplam->Label(
        -text => "nothing selected",
        )->place( -x => 280, -y => 15);

    # Configure dropdown
        # What to do when an entry is selected
        -browsecmd => sub {
            $showlabel->configure(-text => "You selected: $dropdown_value" ),

    # Populate dropdown with values
    foreach ( qw/apple banana pineapple grape/ ) {
        $dropdown->insert('end', $_);
    # Set the initial value for the dropdown
    $dropdown_value = "Top value";

sub create_dropdown_bot {
    my $botlam  = shift;
    # Create dropdown and another element which shows my selection
    my $dropdown_value_bot;
    my $dropdownbot = $botlam->BrowseEntry(
        -label => "Label",
        -variable => \$dropdown_value_bot,
        )->place( -x => 100, -y => 75);
    my $showlabel = $botlam->Label(
        -text => "nothing selected",
        )->place( -x => 280, -y => 75);

    # Configure dropdown
        # What to do when an entry is selected
        -browsecmd => sub {
            $showlabel->configure(-text => "You selected: $dropdown_value_bot" ),

    # Populate dropdown with values
    foreach ( qw/apple banana pineapple grape/ ) {
        $dropdownbot->insert('end', $_);
    # Set the initial value for the dropdown
    $dropdown_value_bot = "Bottom value";

sub create_dropdown_dit {
    #my $di_thick  = shift;
    # Create dropdown and another element which shows my selection
    #my $di_thick_value;
    # A label to show what to type in
    my $label_wert = $mw->Label( 
        -text => 'mid value:',
    )->place( -x => 30, -y => 45);

    # This is the text-userinput field
    my $entry_wert = $mw->Entry( 
        # width is in characters, not pixel
        -width => 20,
    )->place( -x => 130, -y => 45);

    my $submit_but = $mw->Button(
    -text => "Execute",
    # call a sub somewhere
    -command => \&submit_action,
    )->place( -x => 130, -y => 135);

print $mid_value

Like mid_value i need to see after the loop.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Guys,

I have used some variable in Tk.

And it is not getting used of outside mainloop();

How to get the variable value out of mainloop
