Perls "Referance" question

ok im on chap19 (cgi programming) of learning perl 2nd edition.

I am just not understanding how the referances to a class work.

i understand the following example:

@array1=qw( 1 2 3 4);
$aref = \@array1;
@array2=qw(5 6 7 8);

$# of $aref is now 1

print $aref[1][2]; # this will print "7"

but when the example says..

$cur = CGI->new(); # this is where i get lost. what value is $cur holding? its a scalar value i know this. (i think) but what is new()?

and why is the module CGI referanceing it and saveing its values to $cur.

 here is the example CGI script i dont understand the methods useage .  this lesson is in makeing a cgi guestbook.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use 5.004;
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Fcntl qw(:flock);

sub bail {
        my $error = "@_";
        print h1("Enexpected Error"), p($error), end_html;
        die $error;

my (

$TITLE = "Simple Guestbook";
$CHATNAME= "chatfile";
$MAXSAVE = 10;

print header, start_html($TITLE), h1($TITLE);

$cur = CGI->new();
if ($cur->param("message")) {
        $cur->param("date", scalar localtime);

open(CHANDLE, "+< $CHATNAME") || bail("cannot open $CHATNAME: $!");

flock(CHANDLE, LOCK_EX) || bail("cannot flock $CHATNAME: $!");

while (!eof(CHANDLE) && @entries < $MAXSAVE) {
        $entry = CGI->new(\*CHANDLE);
        push @entries, $entry;

seek(CHANDLE, 0, 0) || bail("cannot rewind $CHATNAME: $!");
foreach $entry (@entries) {
truncate(CHANDLE, tell(CHANDLE)) || bail ("cannot truncate $CHATNAME: $!");
close(CHANDLE) || bail ("cannot close $CHATNAME: $!");

print hr, start_form;
print p("Name:", $cur->textfield(
        -NAME => "message"));
print p("Message:", $cur->textfield(
        -NAME => "message",
        -OVERRIDE => 1,
        -SIZE => 50));
print p(submit("send"), reset("clear"));
print end_form, hr;

print h2("Prior Messages");
foreach $entry (@entries) {
        printf("%s [%s]: %s",
        print br();
print end_html;

Isn't CGI->new() a function that is called when you do $cur = CGI->new(); right?

To find out what CGI->new() does, I would look in the perl libs where this package (CGI) resides.

CGI->new() creates a new instance of a CGI object to take care of the request coming to this cgi application. It would contain all the request parameters, the request type etc. It is a easier(??) and faster way of working through a cgi program