Perl XML::DOM: How to test if element exists?


I'm trying to write a script for some xml file handling, but I'm not getting too far with it.

I've got the following xml content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Test xmlns:xsi="" >
	<Operation name="OPER1">
		<Action name="ACTION1">
			<Condition name="None">
				<Parameter name="AAA">
		<Action name="ACTION2">
			<Action-category name="Normal">
				<Condition name="All">
					<Parameter name="AAA">

This is just a small piece of the actual file that can be thousands of lines.
Some "Actions" can have "Action-category" but some do not, and I would like to be able to do different processing based on that. I am however unable to test if this element exists.

My code is as follows:


use XML::DOM;
use strict;
my @files = @ARGV;
my $operation = "OPER1";
my $parser = XML::DOM::Parser->new();
my $doc = $parser->parsefile(@files[0]);

foreach my $oper ($doc->getElementsByTagName('Operation'))
   print "OPERATION: " . $oper->getAttribute('name') . "\n";
   if ( $operation eq $oper->getAttribute('name'))
      foreach my $action ($oper->getElementsByTagName('Action'))
         print "ACTION: " . $action->getAttribute('name') . "\n";
         if (defined ($action->getElementsByTagName('Action-category')))
            print "Action-category defined\n";
            print "Action-category NOT defined\n";
      #do something else

and it results in to the following output:

>./ file.xml
Action-category defined
Action-category defined

So, it says the "action-category" is defined, even though it is not? :wall:

Would anyone have any idea why or how to fix this?

getElementsByTagName() always return an array. You need to determine the array size instead of checking the key exists or not.

         my @node_list = $action->getElementsByTagName('Action-category');

         if (@node_list > 0)
            print "Action-category defined\n";
            print "Action-category NOT defined\n";
my @files = @ARGV;
my $operation = "OPER1";
my $parser = XML::DOM::Parser->new();
my $doc = $parser->parsefile(@files[0]);

foreach my $oper ($doc->getElementsByTagName('Operation'))
   print "OPERATION: " . $oper->getAttribute('name') . "\n";
   if ( $operation eq $oper->getAttribute('name'))
      foreach my $action ($oper->getElementsByTagName('Action'))
         print "ACTION: " . $action->getAttribute('name') . "\n";
         for my $child ($action->getChildNodes()) {
            if ($child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
                if ($child->getTagName eq "Action-category") {
                     print "Action-category found\n";