Perl Script to read an excel file into an array and search in the UNIX directories

I want the Perl script with versions 5.8.2 and 5.8.5 starting with


The Perl program should read the excel file or text file line by line and taking into an array and search in the UNIX directories for reference file of .jsp or .js or .xsl with path .The Object names in the excel or text file will be having the spaces
(for Ex:
Eliminate Proc
Sample Text

The output will be like this:


Plz help me out in this ..........................
Thanks in advance:b:

what u tried so far ?

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
# usage $0 <directory list>
open (my $input, '<', "names.txt")
||die "Couldn't open names.txt file:\n\t$!\n";
while (<$input>){
print "$\n";
find(sub {wanted($
)} , @ARGV);

sub wanted{
if (/\.jsp?$/){
my $regex=shift;
open(my $current_file, '<', $) || print "Could not read $:\n\t$!\n";
print "$File::Find::name";
next FILE;

So, Plz correct me and after searching I want to get the Output in output file (either text file or excel file )with Object name and reference file .........

Thanks .