Perl script to parse output and print it comma separated

I need to arrange output of SQL query into a comma separated format and I'm struggling with processing the output...

The output is something like this:

<Attribute1 name><x amount of white spaces><Atribute value>
<Attribute2 name><x amount of white spaces><Atribute value>
<Attribute3 name><x amount of white spaces><Atribute value>
<Attribute4 name><x amount of white spaces><Atribute value>
<Attribute5 name><x amount of white spaces><Atribute value>
  • There are always 5 Attribute/Value pairs that makes one record.
  • The Attribute names are not always in same order.

So it could be(example where I would have only two records 5 lines(A,B,C,D,E) each):

A   1
B   2
C  3
D   4
E  5
B  4
C    3
A  5
E  1
D  2

I would need to parse this output into the following format:
but using only the value, so the above 2 records would be printed as:

What I've tried so far is as below:

sub query {
        open (OUTPUT, "su - oracle -cf 'source .profile; sqlplus $user/$passwd \@$sql_file'|") || die "Can open SQL\n";
        while (<OUTPUT>) {
                ($rubbish,$value) = split(/\s+/);
                if (/^A/){
                        $list[0] = $value;
                } elsif (/B/){
                        $list[1] = $value;
                } elsif ( /C/ ){
                        $list[2] = "$value";
                } elsif ( /D/ ){
                        $list[3] = "$value";
                } elsif ( /E/ ){
                        $list[4] = "$value";
                } else { next;}
                push ( @array, \@list );
sub printSubs {
        $" = ",";
        for $a (@array){
                print "@$a\n";

But that does not work.. it just prints out the last record many times.. :wall:
So would someone have any ideas how to fill the array?


open (FH,"Outputfile") or die "FAIL- $!\n";
while (<FH>) {

for($i=0;$i<($./5);$i++) {
foreach (sort(keys(%hash))) {
printf "%s ",$hash{$_}[$i];
print "\n";

Your code is unnecessarily complicated.
The part in blue color fills up the indexes 0..4 of the array @list.
All you have to do is - print the array @list as soon as you've processed 5 records.

The part in red color is just overkill.

Here's the modified portion of the code -

while (<OUTPUT>) {
 ($rubbish,$value) = split(/\s+/);
 if (/^A/){
   $list[0] = $value;
 } elsif (/B/){
   $list[1] = $value;
 } elsif (/C/){
   $list[2] = $value;
 } elsif (/D/){
   $list[3] = $value;
 } elsif (/E/){
   $list[4] = $value;
 } else { next }
 print join(",", @list),"\n" if ($.%5 == 0); 

Here's the modified code in action -

$ # display the content of the data file "f2"
$ cat f2
A   1
B   2
C  3
D   4
E  5
B  4
C    3
A  5
E  1
D  2
$ # display the content of the Perl program ""
$ cat -n
    1  #!perl -w
    2  my $rubbish;
    3  $file="f2";
    4  open (OUTPUT, "<", $file) || die "Can't open $file\n";
    5  while (<OUTPUT>) {
    6    chomp;
    7    ($rubbish,$value) = split(/\s+/);
    8    if (/^A/){
    9      $list[0] = $value;
   10    } elsif (/B/){
   11      $list[1] = $value;
   12    } elsif (/C/){
   13      $list[2] = $value;
   14    } elsif (/D/){
   15      $list[3] = $value;
   16    } elsif (/E/){
   17      $list[4] = $value;
   18    } else { next }
   19    print join(",", @list),"\n" if ($.%5 == 0);
   20  }
   21  close(OUTPUT);
$ # Run the Perl program
$ perl

As for why your code doesn't work - you keep pushing the reference to the array @list in the array @array. When the array @list changes, the reference to @list now points to the "current" array.

After 1st record is processed, @list = (1)             and \@list = pointer to @list i.e. it points to (1)
After 2nd record is processed, @list = (1, 2)          and \@list = pointer to @list i.e. it points to (1, 2)
After 3rd record is processed, @list = (1, 2, 3)       and \@list = pointer to @list i.e. it points to (1, 2, 3)
After 4th record is processed, @list = (1, 2, 3, 4)    and \@list = pointer to @list i.e. it points to (1, 2, 3, 4)
After 5th record is processed, @list = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and \@list = pointer to @list i.e. it points to (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

So by the time you've processed the first five records, @list = (1,2,3,4,5) and \@list = pointer to (1,2,3,4,5) and since first 5 elements of @array are all \@list, they all point to (1,2,3,4,5) as well.

From record 6 onwards, you overwrite the array @list. (You should print it before overwriting.) Records 6 through 10 do the same thing again.

So at the end, you have 10 elements in @array, all of which are references to the latest array i.e. (5,4,3,2,1).


Further thoughts: you could change your Oracle SQL query to return the comma-delimited string of values directly. Thereby you can avoid all this processing in Perl.