Perl Regular Expression Word Search

I'm trying to have my perl script telnet into the network device execute a command then dump the output of the command into a variable. The script then greps for the word "STANDBY". I can't seem to get the script to print out the output because it seems that the script can't find the word "STANDBY". I believe this is because i'm not using good regular expression.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use Net::Telnet; 
my $ip = $ARGV[0]; 
my $pass = "mgcusr"; 
my $pass2 = "S3attl3"; 
my $t=new Net::Telnet(Errmode=>'return',Input_Log => "/tmp/input.log",Timeout=>30); 
 if($t->errmsg) { my $err=$t->errmsg; return $err; } 
 my ($prompt) = $t->waitfor('/login: $/'); 
    if($t->errmsg) { my $err=$t->errmsg; return $err; } 
    my @out=$t->cmd(String=>'rtrv-ne',Prompt=>'/>$/'); 
    my @matches = grep {/[A-Z]BY/} @out;  
    my $line = $matches[0] if @matches or die "can't find parameters specified"; 
    print "$line\n"

you have your answer in another forum... your grep command [A-Z]BY is the problem.