PERL Question ...

I am reading a file in perl script .. during the debug the $linein value is :

linein : +ASM1,sys,||� |3�q�o�;�ט||

from this line I am getting the tmepuser and password from above :

($tmpuser, $pwd) = ($linein =~ /^$server\s*,\s*([^\s,]+)\s*,\|\|(.+)\|\|/sm);

I am getting $tmpuser and $pwd values "" . what am I missing in search pattern ?


If you are trying to match the + in +ASM1

($tmpuser, $pwd) = ($linein =~ /^\Q$server\E\s*,\s*([^\s,]+)\s*,\|\|(.+)\|\|/sm);

the + needs to be escaped, which \Q will do. \E tells perl where to turn off \Q.

Thankyou verymuch !!!