Perl - problem with CPAN module XML::Simple

Hi All,

I am trying to run the following program

# use module
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
# create object
$xml = new XML::Simple;
# read XML file
$data = $xml->XMLin("dump.xml");
# print output
print Dumper($dump);

At first i had the error mesage saying can't locate So i downloaded and put it in /perl/site/lib/XML folder. I ran the program again and this is what i get

Can't locate object method "new" via package "XML::Simple" (perhaps you forgot t
o load "XML::Simple"?) at line 9.

Not sure what is missing now. Appreciate help

Thanks in adavance

Install XML::Simple by using the "cpan" command as root.


Place the installed directory - where XML::Simple is installed in perl lib env variable. eg: PERL5LIB

simple method to install XML::Simple:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install "XML::Simple"'

how do you check if XML::Simple is installed? try using it:

perl -e 'use XML::Simple;'

Thanks all for your replies.

I installed on my machine. I have the admin rights on my desktop.

I used the command yogesh mentioned. For the options i didnt know answers to, i just ressed enter. Finally i got

commit: wrote C:\Perl\lib\CPAN\

I'm thinking it means that it is installed

I also used the command that yogesh mentioned to check if it is installed. I got the following

C:\>perl -e 'use XML::Simple;'
Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
C:\>perl -e "use XML::Simple;"

I changed single quotes to double quotes and then it went to the prompt again. So i'm guessing all is OK.

I tried running my program again and the error is the same

Can't locate object method "new" via package "XML::Simple" (perhaps you forgot t
o load "XML::Simple"?) at line 9.

Dont know what i missed now. Appreciate help.

Hi All,

My issue is resolved. I used ratlperl instead of perl and it resolved my problem.

Thanks for all ur help.

I have redirected the output of my file to output.xm which is in the following format

=> {
'List' => {
'String' => [abcd

=> {
'List' => {
'String' => [

I am trying to get the String values under RT and here is the code i am using

my $data = XMLin("output.xml", GroupTags=>{RequestedTerminations=>'String'});
# print output
print Dumper($data);

However, it doesnt seem to work and i get the following error

Undefined subroutine &main::XMLin called at line 15.

Appreciate your help with this