PERL -pi -w -e help

I need to replace a multiple strings in file ( in multiple files).

I am using perl code as ..

if [[ "$ORACLE_HOME" = "/opt/product/11.2.0/racdb" || "$ORACLE_HOME" = "/opt/crs/gridsw/11202" ]];then

I need to replace as 

if [[ "$ORACLE_HOME" = "/opt/product/11.2.0/*" || "$ORACLE_HOME" = "/opt/crs/gridsw/11202" ]];then

$PERL -pi -w -e 's/"\/racdb"/"\/*"/g;' /tmp/

no error ..but, it's not working.. what am I missing here .....


perl -pi -w -e 's~/opt/product/11\.2\.0/racdb~/opt/product/11\.2\.0/\*~' /tmp/

Thanks for your help.

One more thing ... is there a way to add logic to remove double quotes , to same logic ...



The previous command was for replacing the path, if you want to replace double quotes with nothing, then I suggest you use a separate command.

perl -pi -w -e 's/\"//g' /tmp/ 

Please note that will remove all double quotes, and not just the double quotes of the paths!

I was totally wrong ... tried diff options ...
here is the string ....

if [[ "$ORACLE_HOME" = "/opt/product/11.2.0/racdb" || "$ORACLE_HOME" = "/opt/crs/gsw/11202" ]]; then 

I want to change to

if [[ $ORACLE_HOME = /opt/product/11.2.0/* || $ORACLE_HOME = /opt/crs/gsw/* ]]; then 
perl -pi -w -e 's~/opt/product/11\.2\.0/racdb~/opt/product/11\.2\.0/\*~g; s/\"//g' /tmp/