Perl HTTP::Tiny

I'm currently using OpenBSD current as of yesterday. Both curl and wget aren't not part of the OpenBSD base and I would rather attempt to reboot my cable modem (SB6183) using perl HTTP:Tiny if possible. The following 2 commands work and both will reboot my modem:

curl -d Rebooting=1

wget --post-data=Rebooting=1

I would like to use the perl HTTP:Tiny module to reboot my router. Here is something I came up with that doesn't work. I need to implement post data Rebooting=1 for it to work but I can't figure that out:

perl -MHTTP::Tiny -E 'say HTTP::Tiny->new->post("")

Anyone have any ideas on proper HTTP::Tiny syntax so this will work?

Can't say I've played with HTTP::Tiny but have you tried:

perl -MHTTP::Tiny -E 'say HTTP::Tiny->new->post("")

Chubler_XL unfortunately that did not work.

All the following are working solutions to reboot the ARRIS SURFboard SB6183 cable modem:

Using curl

curl -d Rebooting=1

Using wget

wget --quiet -O /dev/null --post-data=Rebooting=1

Using HTTP:Tiny module included in Perl (one liner which can be used at a command prompt)

perl -MHTTP::Tiny -E 'HTTP::Tiny->new->post_form("", { Rebooting => 1 })'

Using a Perl script

use strict; 
use warnings; 
use HTTP::Tiny; 
my $url       = ''; 
my $form_data = { Rebooting => 1 }; 
my $http      = HTTP::Tiny->new; 
my $response  = $http->post_form($url, $form_data); 
if ( $response->{success} ) { 
    print "Modem rebooted\n"; 
else { 
    print "Reboot failed: ", $response->{reason}, "\n"; 

Thanks to FishMonger for his help over at the forums. :b: