Perl code to grep a particular column in CSV format


I want to grep a column 6 & column 7 from a CSV Format file & then i have to find the difference between these columns as these both columns contains date & time in 7/7/2012 9:20 this format . So kindly help me out ASAP.
But please kindly dis xls has to be converted in csv format as may data will be in csv format.

The file you uploaded is an XLS file, not a CSV file.

Please upload a CSV file that everyone can open.

Script (without Perl):-

cat new.csv | awk -F, ' { print $7 "," $8 } ' | egrep -v "unix|Event" | while IFS="," read event_date create_date
 dt_diff=$(( $(date -d "$create_date" +%s) - $(date -d "$event_date" +%s) ))
 echo -e "${event_date}, ${create_date}, \c"
 printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n", $(($dt_diff/3600)) $(($dt_diff%3600/60)) $(($dt_diff%60))

For perl example you can refer here

awk can open file/s on its own. You don't need cat there. And egrep after the awk is overkill.

elixir_sinari, I really appreciate your suggestion.


awk -F, '!/unix/ && !/Event/  { print $7 "," $8 } ' new.csv | while IFS="," read event_date create_date

hey hi

I have already tried to attach this csv file but as it is mentioned in the options for attachment i am unable to upload an csv file ,as its not mentioned in the options.
It supports many other formats but does'nt allow to attach a csv file it gives an error invalid file error.