perl + array and incrementing number

morning guys and gals,

I am haveing a problem, a friend helped me out with this script but i dont know how to add incrementing number for each movie in movie.list. this is what i have so far. any assistance would be great.

I have removed the GT and LT symbols so you can see what is going on in the array.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $src_list = 'movie.list';

open SRC, $src_list or die "Couldn't read $src_list: $!\n";
my @movies = sort <SRC>;

my $dst_list = 'dvd-list.html';
open(HTML, "> $dst_list") or die "Can't write to $dst_list: $!\n";

print HTML "

my basic html goes here";

for (@movies) {

    # The order here needs to be fixed.
  my ($title, $run_time, $mpaa_rating, $genre, $prod_company) = split ':', $_;
  print HTML "tr";
    # Make sure we get no undef vars.
  print HTML "td $_ /td"
      for map {$_ || ''} $title, $run_time, $mpaa_rating, $genre, $prod_company;
  print HTML "/tr\n";

print HTML "/table

Is this what you are wanting to do?

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $src_list = 'movie.list';

open SRC, $src_list or die "Couldn't read $src_list: $!\n";
my @movies = sort ;

my $dst_list = 'dvd-list.html';
open(HTML, "> $dst_list") or die "Can't write to $dst_list: $!\n";

print HTML "

my basic html goes here";

# Add variable to display "Current Record Number"
my $movieCount = 1;

for (@movies) {

    # The order here needs to be fixed.
  my ($title, $run_time, $mpaa_rating, $genre, $prod_company) = split ':', $_;
  print HTML "tr";
    # Make sure we get no undef vars.
  print HTML "td $_ /td"
      for map {$_ || ''} $movieCount $title, $run_time, $mpaa_rating, $genre, $prod_company;
  print HTML "/tr\n";
  # Increment $movieCount by one with each display

print HTML "/table

Notice that all I did was add the $movieCount variable declaration above the `for (@movies` line and added a post-fix increment to the $movieCount variable after the `for map` line so that after each loop and display, $movieCount will increment.

If not, please let me know.

i think that will work.

in the end on the webpage there should be a number next to the movie so i dont have to manualy count how manyy i have.


Then try this:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $src_list = 'movie.list';

open SRC, $src_list or die "Couldn't read $src_list: $!\n";
my @movies = sort ;

my $dst_list = 'dvd-list.html';
open(HTML, "> $dst_list") or die "Can't write to $dst_list: $!\n";

print HTML "

my basic html goes here";

# Add variable to display "Current Record Number"
my $movieCount = 1;

for (@movies) {

    # The order here needs to be fixed.
  my ($title, $run_time, $mpaa_rating, $genre, $prod_company) = split ':', $_;
  print HTML "tr";
    # Make sure we get no undef vars.
  print HTML "td $_ /td"
      for map {$_ || ''} $movieCount $title, $run_time, $mpaa_rating, $genre, $prod_company;
  print HTML "/tr\n";
  # Increment $movieCount by one with each display


print HTML "(br)(b) There are $movieCount movies in the library.(/b)\n";

print HTML "/table




open SFH,"<staff.txt" or die "Can not open file";
open HFH,">staff.html" or die "Can not open file";
print HFH "<HTML>\n";
print HFH "<member",$.,">\n";
my ($name,$age)= split ":",$_;
$age=~ tr/\n//d;
print HFH "<name> ",$name," </name>\n";
print HFH "<age> ",$age, "</age>\n";
print HFH "</member",$.,">\n";
print HFH "</HTML>\n";


<name> leo </name>
<age> 30</age>
<name> stt </name>
<age> 25</age>
<name> tony </name>
<age> 31</age>

are you for real? Another ancient thread dug up.
