Perl: adding columns in CSV file with information in each

Hi Wise UNIX Crew,

I want to add 3 different columns to the file in which:

  1. The first new column pulls in today's date and time
  2. Second column one has a '0'
  3. Third column has the word 'ANY' going down the column

If my file content is as follows:


This is what I want the file content to be:
"2008-04-03 10:33:08",0,ANY,"7","a","abc",123"
"2008-04-03 10:33:08",0,ANY,"8","b","cde","456"
"2008-04-03 10:33:08",0,ANY,"9","c","fgh","789"

Big brownie points in advance......and a bigger thanks



Speaking of Perl, i am a virgin, below is the AWK solution. Hope can help you somewhat.

d=`date '+ %y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`
nawk -v dd="$d" 'BEGIN{FS=","}
}' filename