Performing a non-recursive find in Unix

I need to perform a non-recursive find in Unix. Sounds simple, but it doesn't actually work. The command ALWAYS searches through the subdirectories.

Any ideas? I am on DEC Unix :frowning:

use the find command with -xdev option


find / -name (search file) -xdev

Ur problem is that U had not gone the man pages of find
Please make sure U read the help pages of find .

Acctually find ->> utility recursively descends the directory
hierarchy for each path seeking files that match......
so please checkout with UNIX man pages and try it

it would fun if U could use grep or fgrep with find ....
Please try it and reply

The xdev option will work only if all of his subdirectories are mount points. Not exactly a general solution.

If want to keep find in one directory, replace
find dir ...
find dir \( ! -name dir -prune \) ...

find . -type d -print
will list each subdirectory all the way down your directory structure. But:
find . \( ! -name dir -prune \) -type d -print
will list only the subdirectories in the current directory.