Peer Review File/Folder Script

Hello *nix friends,
I've written a shell script that allow web admin's to copy file/folder from a development site to the production site. It's more or less a poor man SVN.

I'm posting the script here because I was able to get many questions answered through this forum and also, I want to improve this script. It works as is but there is probably more efficiencies that could be incorporated. Finally, I've keep the comments down for brevity.

# Make copies of files and folders from a dev site to production site
# requires two arguments, the file or folder name ($1) a destination path ($2)
# the third argument ($3) is optional and specifies a search path to
# look for files/folders in sub directories off the root

#### usage examples ####
# with dest and search path: ./ fileName.ext path/to/dest/ path/to/search
# with dest only: ./ folderName path/to/dest
# with current dir: ./ fileName.ext .

#### variables ####
# log stdout and stderr
# file or folder name to copy
# destination is the location to copy files and folders
# optional - appends a sub directory path to SRC
# previous is a backup folder of current production file
# short variable for development root
# short variable for production root

#### copy process ####
# change director to the development root
cd $SRC

# test if handle is a file and NOT a directory
isFile=$(find $SRC$SEARCH -type f -name $HANDLE -print0)
if [[ -f $isFile ]]; then

     # test if dest was passed as a "." dot (or the site root directory)
     if [[ $DEST == "." ]] ; then
     #split handle string at delimiting dot

     # if backup directory previous isn't present in site root, make it
        if [[ ! -d "$PREV" ]]; then
             mkdir $PREV 2>&1 > /dev/null

   # make a backup of the current production file
      find $PROD -type f -name $HANDLE -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' cp '{}' ${SRC}previous/$NAME"_bk."$EXT
      #now copy new file from dev to prod
      cp $isFile $PROD
      echo $DATE-"The file "$HANDLE" was copied to root at "$PROD 1>>$LOGFILE

  # else the dest argument is a sub folder of root, line 52
     #split the string string at delimiting dot

       # look in dest, if a backup directory isn't present make one
       cd $DEST
           if [[ ! -d "$PREV" ]]; then
                 mkdir $PREV 2>&1 > /dev/null
       # back to development root directory
       cd -
      #### make three copies ####
      # backup the current production file
        find $PROD$SEARCH -type f -name $HANDLE -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' cp '{}' ${DEST}previous/$NAME"_bk."$EXT

      # now copy the new file to the dev target mirror dir
        cp $isFile $DEST

      # finally, copy the new file to the production target directory
        cp $isFile $PROD$DEST

      # echo feedback to the log file
        echo $DATE-"The file "$HANDLE" copied to the sub folder: "$DEST 1>>$SRC$LOGFILE

  #close if statement from line 55 and exit script

# else if isFile is empty,
elif [[ -z $isFile ]]; then

        # assign path info to isDir
        isDir=$(find $SRC$SEARCH -type d -name $HANDLE)

        # backup the current production folder
        # remember we are working from SRC root, all path info relative to SRC
        find $PROD$SEARCH -type d -name $HANDLE | xargs -I '{}' cp -R '{}' ${DEST}previous/

        # copy new directory to dev target mirror dir
        cp -R $isDir $DEST

        # now make a new or overwrite an old folder at the production site
        cp -R $isDir $PROD$DEST

        # echo feedback to the log file
        echo $DATE-"The folder "$HANDLE" copied to: "$DEST 1>>$SRC$LOGFILE
        # if everything else fails, echo feedback to the log file
        echo $DATE-"Error-Nothing copied or created for "$HANDLE 1>>$SRC$LOGFILE

If you are working from a local server and need to copy files to a remote server, you could switch out the 'cp' statements with 'scp' statements.

Okay, any thoughts and/or improvements are welcomed.

You didn't mention what OS you are on, the below cp options may or may not be available to you:

Consider preserving files mode,ownership,timestamps and context (via the cp -p and -c options).

Have a look at the --backup option of cp as it can handle this side of thing for you.

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I would add some error checking. Ensuring that your mkdir was successful when creating your backup directory, and that your backups were created successfully are important. If you care enough to create a backup, you should care enough to make sure that there wasn't a reported error. If you are paranoid, you could md5sum the current file, and md5sum the backup; even if cp reports OK, I have seen cases where the new copy wasn't good.

Another thing that you might need to consider is if any of the files being installed are binaries you will probably have to deal with "text file busy" conditions. Easiest way is to move the destination file away, and then copy the new file in.

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In reply to Chubler_XL, I'm running Mac XServer 10.6 on a box and CentOS on a Virtual Server. Thanks.

UNIX not being a system where mandatory locking's been very popular, I haven't seen this message and don't know what circumstances it'd appear. Can you tell me more?