i am writing a script containing processing commands which are reside in /opt/terascan/bin dir. if i run the script from command prompt it is working fine. but in crontab it is not working.
if i give env command from command prompt it is showing /opt/terascan/bin dir in PATH variable.
and the same env command if i put it script and run a crontab it is not working.
i shuld add /opt/terascan/bin dir path in my script.
From that error, it looks like the script needs more than just the PATH to be set. An environment variable called SATDATA might also be required to be set to an appropriate value. You are using lspass and peekauto which seem to be terascan commands. Can you check if any of them further call satsetup or directly use a variable SATDATA?
Huh. The syntax looks to be OK. The variables are getting the values that you are setting them to. You might be having some documentation/man pages for this particular software that you are using. Why not go through that?