path name for Solaris 8 ?

hello all,
instead of type pwd everytime to find down where I am at. is there a command set prompt to put in to your profile on shell so it invisible every you type cd?

thanks in advance...

Use The PS1 variable in solaris
In your .profile set the PS1="$PWD>" ; export PS1 and ur command prompt will display the whole path so that you don't have to type pwd everythime

I think this is what you want.


no, it doesn't work.

myunix% this where I am @, I have to type
pwd it would shows
I'd like it shows something like this.
myunix%/usr/work/phapvn if I go back one dir then when I type.
cd ..
it would show

Hope you understand what I am asking and can help...

I worked with SGI there is something about set prompt. I am be able to make it works on SGI. just not very familiar with SUN.

Thanks again...

It seems you are using csh. In csh environment, you need to define your environment settings in.cshrc file. And use "setenv PS1 $pwd> " instead of "PS1="$pwd>"; export PS1" and run "source .cshrc" command after you edited the .cshrc file.

Good luck!