Password Encryption (SunOS 5.8)

Hi all,

I have a server in the office that we connect to via telnet. Can anyone explain please how i can encrypt the password so it cannot be picked up in plain text by sniffing software like WireShark, etc.?

I'm not very experienced in Unix, so any ideas or even links would be great.

Appreciate the assistance.


Please use ssh to connect to the server!

If the server is a solaris 8 box you have to install the ssh packed:
Sunfreeware - Freeware Open Source Software for Sun Microsystem's Solaris

Command on the client:
ssh -X user@server

or use
putty on a windows box ( Download PuTTY - a free SSH and telnet client for Windows)


The pkg name is openssh:

Follow the link you will find this information:

openssh-5.0p1-sol8-sparc-local.gz Openssh is an open source version of the SSH secure shell system - installs in /usr/local. PAM support is included and requires its own configuration. Openssh also requires the installation of the packages openssl-0.9.8h (do not use the older openssl packages), zlib, libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc-3.4.6, and optionally the tcp_wrappers package. You MUST read the OpenSSH installation page for installation details and helpful web sites. For example, the /usr/local/etc/sshd_config file may need to be edited. openssh is often used to make machines more secure. Make sure you know what you are doing. Any security problems are your responsiblitiy. The main ssh web site is at the [Details] link below. It is also important that you read our Disclaimer.

It is not so difficult then it seems to be!! :slight_smile:


Thanks guys, one last question though.

If i use SSH to connect, how can i disable telnet access to the server? I ask this so that i can BLOCK users who attempt standard telnet connections.

Thanks again.

delete the /etc/services entry of telnet and all other unsecure services!
Br joerg

Comment out the telnet line in /etc/inetd.conf and send the inet process a HUP signal.