Password Authentication

I would like to know how to validate an unix password from shell script (If is possible)

Thanks very much

as in trying to crack a password type of validate? Passwords are a one way salt. so your more or less just running random words and compairing it the shadow file's password field. once you have a match you have the password.

look into the command crypt.


This may seem like a dumb add-on question, but does anyone know where I can get the "crypt" command source? Or perhaps where I could even start looking for it? I have a little bit of downtime in my night-shift, so I'm not afraid to look for it - I've just been unsuccessful so far.

Also, is there a command out there that produces the MD5 passwords used in more current Unices?

The ssleay and similar cryptographic distros have versions of crypt and mcrypt.