passing variable values to awk command


I have a situation where I have to specify a different value to an awk command, I beleive i have the gist of this done, however I am not able to get this correct. Here is what I have so far

echo $id

This value occurs in a "pipe" delimited file in postition 8. Hence I would have something like this in the code

awk -vi="$id" '{ $8 == $i }' file_1 

yields the following output

awk: 0602-538 The field 65859555 must be in the range 0 to 1024.
 The input line number is 1. The file is HMA_tp.unl.
 The source line number is 1.

In the file "file_1" the value of $id is there in column "8" of the file in a certain record. Can someone please help determine how to perform this search? Thanks in advance


pipe delimited and variable

awk -F'|' -v value="$id" '{ $8==value} ' oldfile > newfile

no $ in front of value