Passing date formats in Perl: i.e. Jul/10/2007 -> 20070710 (yyyymmdd) - Perl

Hi ,
This script working for fine if pass Jul/10/2007 ,I want to pass 20070710(yyyymmdd) .Please any help it should be appereciated.

use Time::Local;

my $d = $ARGV[0];
my $t = $ARGV[1];
my $m = "";

@d = split /\//, $d;
@t = split /:/, $t;

if ( $d[0] eq "Jan" ) { $m = 0 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Feb" ) { $m = 1 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Mar" ) { $m = 2 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Apr" ) { $m = 3 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "May" ) { $m = 4 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Jun" ) { $m = 5 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Jul" ) { $m = 6 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Aug" ) { $m = 7 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Sep" ) { $m = 8 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Oct" ) { $m = 9 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Nov" ) { $m = 10 }
elsif ( $d[0] eq "Dec" ) { $m = 11 };

$time = timelocal($t[2], $t[1], $t[0], $d[1], $m, $d[2]);

print "$time\n";usage : 



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Are you passing one or two arguments to the script? You only mention YYYYMMDD but your code appears to be expecting two arguments:

my $d = $ARGV[0];
my $t = $ARGV[1];

Assuming two arguments, see if this helps:

use Time::Local;

my $d = $ARGV[0];
my $t = $ARGV[1];
my ($y, $m, $d) = unpack("A4A2A2",$d)
my ($h, $min, $s) = split(/:/,$t);
$time = timelocal($s, $min, $h, $d, $m-1, $y);

print "$time\n";usage :

Thanks for your reply ,when executing ,its througing the below error.

perl 20060708 05:32:11

syntax error at line 5, near ")
my "
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.


That's because the line does not end properly, thereby forcing the perl interpreter to baulk.


Hi KevinADC
Thanks for your great help.Its workinf fine.


oops, sorry, but I guess you have it corrected now. :o

Hi KevinADC,
I have corrected ,thanks a lot
