Parsing nsupdate's output

Anybody that's ever used nsupdate knows that it's error management is not very good.

I have a wrapper script that when it's got all the information it needs launches the nsupdate command.

This is my attempt at parsing the output to help support users quickly know if the command succeded or failed (and why it failed). For some reason i cannot see, the code sometimes works and sometime doesn't ... that's with a output of 40 mixed (failed and succeded) records.

If anybody has a clue OR would has a different method of achieving the same goal i would be gratefull. Thanks.

#!/bin/awk -f

        print "Start";
        RS="Outgoing update query:"
        print "#### UPDATING CNAME ####"
        # Print what we are doing in clearer form
        split ($12, update, " ")
                print update[1],update[3],update[4],update[5]
        # Print the result of the operation on the DNS server
        if ($0 ~ /opcode/)
                split($0,array," ")
                if (array[6] == "NOERROR,")
                        print "OPERATION:",array[6];
        # If update failed lookup error
        if ($0 ~ "update failed:")
                split($(NF-1), error, " ")
                if (error[3] == "YXRRSET")
                        print "FAIL: CNAME already exist";
                print "UPDATE SUCCEDED";
        print "\n"
        print "Done"

success data (2 records):

Outgoing update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:      0
;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;exemple.local. IN   SOA

foo.exemple.local. 0 NONE A
foo.exemple.local. 0 NONE CNAME

foo.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost1.exemple.local.

Outgoing update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:      0
;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;exemple.local. IN   SOA

bar.exemple.local. 0 NONE A
bar.exemple.local. 0 NONE CNAME

bar.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost1.exemple.local.

Failed data (also 2 records):

Outgoing update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:      0
;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;exemple.local. IN   SOA

foo.exemple.local. 0 NONE A
foo.exemple.local. 0 NONE CNAME

foo.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost1.exemple.local.

update failed: YXRRSET
Outgoing update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:      0
;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;exemple.local. IN   SOA

bar.exemple.local. 0 NONE A
bar.exemple.local. 0 NONE CNAME

bar.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost2.exemple.local.

update failed: YXRRSET

Expected output:

foo.exemple.local. IN CNAME realhost1.exemple.local.

bar.exemple.local. IN CNAME realhost2.exemple.local.
FAIL: CNAME already exist

I'm not sure I understand what you're after. Anyhow, some comments:

  • The only difference between the two files is
                                                              > update failed: YXRRSET
bar.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost1.exemple.local.     | bar.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost2.exemple.local.
                                                              > update failed: YXRRSET

, so that "update failed" is what you need to go for.

  • The " OPERATION: NOERROR / FAIL:" text may be misleading, so it might be pointless to look for the string "status".

  • You seem to mix up lines, records, and fields in your script. With that field separator "\n", you have a varying field count; 13/14 with OK records, 15 with error records:

NF: 15
2:  ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:      0
3:  ;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
5:  ;exemple.local. IN   SOA
8:  foo.exemple.local. 0 NONE A
9:  foo.exemple.local. 0 NONE CNAME
12:  foo.exemple.local. 3600 IN CNAME realhost1.exemple.local.
14:  update failed: YXRRSET

so you might always go for field 14 or (NF-1).

  • $0 will always (at least in your samples) hold "opcode", so you always split $0 into array, which will have 43 (OK records) or 46 (fails) elemants, respectively. What for?

  • in your script, indentation alludes that you want to have nested if s, but awk needs the entire branch to be enclosed in {...} if it has more than one command. So all the if s will be executed at the same hierarchy level; the else branch will rely on an error array set way back even if the actual record is a success, and "OPERATION" wil be printed always no matter if "opcode" present in $0 or not.

Suggestion: check for the relevant fields by either

  • for (i=1; i<=NF, i++) if ($i ~ "failed") print $i
  • if (match ($0, /failed: .*$/)) print substr ($0, RSTART+7, RLENGTH-7)
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Thanks for your answer!

The status (the NOERROR in this case) actually serves the purpose of saying that the connection to the DNS server is ok. I wanted a way to correctly split this ressource record so i could extract every field if i wanted to.... I could then use this to extract every DNS message NOERROR, NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL, etc treat them accordingly.

What if i could keep my RS the same BUT use an empty line as a split delimiter?

That way i could have block[1] like this:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:      0
;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;exemple.local. IN   SOA

And so on and so on so i would know that if block[4] exist i have a failed update?

That wouldn't work with the samples you've given unless you take additional action. Using both files and printing NF and, if available, FAIL:

FAIL: CNAME already exist
FAIL: CNAME already exist
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How about this:

awk '
function getfield(str, pattern, trim) {
    if(!match(str, pattern)) return ""
    return substr(str,RSTART+trim,RLENGTH-trim)
function procDNS(rec) {
    if(split(rec,lines,"\\n") < 2) return ""
    updt_line=getfield(rec, "UPDATE SECTION:\n[^\n]+", 16)
    oper=getfield(rec, "status: [^ ,]+", 8)
    fail=getfield(rec, "update failed: [^\n]+", 15)
    print "#### UPDATING CNAME ####"
    print updt_line
    print "OPERATION: " oper
    if(length(fail)) {
       gsub("YXRRSET", "CNAME already exist",fail)
       print "FAIL: " fail
    else print "UPDATE SUCCEDED"
    print ""
    return ""
/^Outgoing update/ {A=procDNS(A)}
{A=A "\n" $0}
' infile
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Chubler: It works like a charm but i have to say i have a very hard time understanding the work flow.

Two functions and main loop.

First function is getfield which returns blank if it doesn't match string and pattern and exits the function with a substitute string of the string of the pattern it caught. You are probably using that to only get the pattern you want. Brillant :slight_smile:

Second function splits the record into "lines" array using \n as a delimiter. Then sets up three variables (updt_line, oper and fail) using your first function. Three prints later you are checking the length of fail and if its not 0 sub YXRRSET on the fail chain for CNAME already exist... Else just print UPDATE SUCCEDED.

Main loop is searching for pattern at start of line "Outgoing update" but sets up procDNS function to A?.... then.... i'm lost :slight_smile: Can you help me understand the last part?


Lets look at the main code part first:

/^Outgoing update/ {A=procDNS(A)}
{A=A "\n" $0}

Line 2 above is building up variable A with your file contents, it does this by appending A with a newline plus the current line's contents for every line of the file.

As for Line 1: function procDNS always returns blank, this is just a small trick that allows us to process the contents of A and then reset A back to the empty string. This could have been written as:

/^Outgoing update/ {procDNS(A); A=""}

You might prefer the above version for clarity. If you look at your datafile you will note that it starts with an "outgoing update" line. As no other lines have been read yet A will still be blank, procDNS needs to deal with blank input and not output a blank result, that is what the first line of the function is doing with the split command. Another elegant way to deal with this is to test for no updt_line as I guess output without this info is pretty meaningless:

function procDNS(rec) {
    updt_line=getfield(rec, "UPDATE SECTION:\n[^\n]+", 16)
    if (updt_line == "") return ""

Now remember the input to procDNS is the whole block between the "Outgoing update" lines. Your assessment of getfield() is pretty well spot on, note the value 16 above is the number of characters to discard from the front of the matched string. i.e. "UPDATE SECTION:" plus newline, which leaves the data required. You can easily extract other info you may need from the block using this technique.

    if(length(fail)) {
       gsub("YXRRSET", "CNAME already exist",fail)
       gsub("REFUSED", "Change refused",fail)
       gsub("SERVFAIL", "Failed to connect to server",fail)
       gsub("NOTAUTH", "Not authorized",fail)
       print "FAIL: " fail
    else print "UPDATE SUCCEDED"

See above how you can add further human readable versions of the error codes returned, I don't know what ones you actually see in the "wild", of course any fail codes not replaced will remain as they are eg "FORMERR", "BADVERS", "NOTZONE", etc.

Finally when you reach the end of the file A will have the last record built up in it but there is no "Outgoing update" line to trigger it's processing, so we call procDNS(A) in the END section (a blank file could will result in a blank block being sent to procDNS but we already know procDNS deals with this fine).

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Thank you so much for that clear explanation.... It's when i see brillant code like that i want to be better at it :slight_smile: