Parallel SQL sessions in shell script

i have 3 sqls , sql 1 and sql 2 shuld run in parallel , but sql 3 should run after completion f sql1 nd sql2, my code is as below, please suggest the changes

sqlplus username1/password1@DB1   @sql >> log1 &
sqlplus username2/password2@DB2  @sql2 >> log1 &

how can i execute the sql3 after completion f sql1 & sql2

You can put a wait command after sql 1 & sql 2

sqlplus username1/password1@DB1  @sql >> log1 &
sqlplus username2/password2@DB2  @sql2 >> log1 &
sqlplus username3/password3@DB3  @sql3 >> log3 &

assuming what you posted works, which I am not all sure is true:

sqlplus username1/password1@DB1   @sql >> log1 &
sqlplus username2/password2@DB2  @sql2 >> log1 &
sqlplus username1/password1@DB1   @sql2 >> log1 &

each sqlplus line should look like this

sqlplus username1/password1@DB1 <<EOF  >> log1 
) &

It is called a here document.

Hi bipinagith............if sql2 is completed and sql1 is still running, will the wait command still waits for sql1 to complete before it kicks off sql3

Yes, wait command will hold until both sql1 & sql2 are completed, then only sql3 will be called.

thanks, if i want to know the execution time of sql1 and sql2 and it should display at terminal.

sqlplus username1/password1@DB1   @sql >> log1 &
sqlplus username2/password2@DB2  @sql2 >> log1 &
while ($? -eq 0)
let time=0
echo " sql still running  from $time min........"
sleep 60
let time=$time+1
sqlplus username1/password1@DB3   @sql3 >> log3 &

please do the corrections

That while loop is not gonna work. You can grab the time before and after calling SQL1 & SQL2:-

echo "Timestamp: `date`"
sqlplus username1/password1@DB1  @sql1 >> log1 &
sqlplus username2/password2@DB2  @sql2 >> log1 &
echo "Timestamp: `date`"

And then get the difference for knowing execution time.
