override protection 644 (yes/no)?

Hi pls help me out to short out this problem

rm PAB113_011.out
rm: PAB113_011.out: override protection 644 (yes/no)? n

If i give y it remove the file.

But i added the rm command as a part of ksh file and i tried to remove the file. Its not removing and the the file prompting as below

joly!edwopr(Dv03) /apps/edw/Direct_DW/Dv03/output
==> ksh test.ksh
rm: /apps/edw/Direct_DW/Dv03/output/ is a directory
rm: PAB113_011.out: override protection 644 (yes/no)?

is there anyway to give 'yes' in the script level itself.


in bash, you'll adapt if needed to KSH:

while IFS='|' read -r -a array; do printf '%s\n' "${array[@]}"; done < yourSample
tr '|' $'\n' < yourSample

same output

tr '|' '\n' < infile > outfile

echo $line | tr '|' '\n' >> $2

Hi I am already using this in my code. My problem is get the same spaces as in the input file.

please replace the <6spaces> with spaces when trying the code and let me know the solution ,..

Waiting for ur response

your problem is that you don't quote $line.
Use More Quotes!

Maybe this would also work for you:

(or use grep -Eo ... instead of egrep)
The grep basically says just print the matched pattern, which is anything but a pipe symbol ("[^|]", repeated more than one time, "+".

Don't use a loop, this is sufficient:


tr '|' '\n' < $1 > $2


Its working fine...

:b: Thanks

Hi pls help me out to short out this problem

rm PAB113_011.out
rm: PAB113_011.out: override protection 644 (yes/no)? n

If i give y it remove the file.

But i added the rm command as a part of ksh file and i tried to remove the file. Its not removing and the the file prompting as below

joly!edwopr(Dv03) /apps/edw/Direct_DW/Dv03/output
==> ksh test.ksh
rm: /apps/edw/Direct_DW/Dv03/output/ is a directory
rm: PAB113_011.out: override protection 644 (yes/no)?

is there anyway to give 'yes' in the script level itself.

Check the -f option of the man page.