output of the time command ?

can someone tell me the meaning of this commnad,
If you want to see a grand total of CPU time for a program when it finishes running, you can use the time command. At the Unix prompt, enter:

time java myprog

Replace myprog with the name of the program you are running. The following is an output example for users in the csh or tcsh shells:

1.406u 0.042s 0:04.96 29.0% 2+5k 0+1io 0pf+0w

i know meaning of first half (1.406u 0.042s 0:04.96 29.0%). plz. post replies for the second half if anyone knows about it


Looks like you are using csh. It has a built-in time command. If you want to use the normal 'time' command, use /usr/bin/time versus time. See the man page for csh for the explaination of the last fields (and the fact they aren't even calculated)

The 0+0k and the 0+0io probably indicate that those fields cannot be obtained on your unix system (possibly your process performed no i/o, but it certainly used some memory). The 1904pf is the page faults and you need to understand your systems virtual memory before you can really interpret that.