output arguments from a sqlplus


I need to output a 4 queries result into another application using
result=`sqlplus -s ${3}/${4}@${2} << EOF
echo "$metrics1"

and returning those individual values into another app.
(query1 and 3compute one value, query 2 and 4 compute 4 values. All of them floats)
For a normal situation I output the values this way,
server_avail1=`echo $tt1| awk '{print $1}'`; server_term1=`echo $tt1| awk '{print $7}'`;
server_menu_avail=`echo $tt1| awk '{print $2}'`; server_menu_avail=`echo $tt1| awk '{print $3}'`; ...............
the problem I'm facing is sometimes some values of a query are returned NULL and thus aren't echoed, which breaks my static outputting (and if the 1st value of the 2nd query goes NULL, the values that goes into server_menu_avail is the 2nd val of the 2nd query, etc)

To gain a little control, I tried to force substituting those NULLs with a 'NULL' word
echo "$scfmetrics1" | sed 's/^$/NULL/g'
but it's getting an extra NULL between the result of query1 and 2, and query 3 and 4.
Eg: 0 NULL NULL 100 NULL 100 100 NULL 0 NULL NULL 88.46 NULL 99.12 100

Any idea how to skin this rabbit?

HI Zen,

It would be better if you can modify the sql queries out put which are null to a default value so you will not face any problem at the time of echoing it.


And the easiest way is to tell sqlplus to do the work:

result=`sqlplus -s ${3}/${4}@${2} << EOF
set null "NULL"
echo "$metrics1"

I started using a SQL decode to replace null occurences with 'n/a' but ended up using Cero sugestion.
Didn't remember about using set null.
This workaround will have to do.
