OS errors/missing commands

Hi all, .... I have major errors on entering the shell. On login I get:

-bash: dircolors: command not found
-bash: tr: command not found
-bash: fgrep: command not found
-bash: grep: command not found
-bash: grep: command not found
-bash: id: command not found
-bash: [: =: unary operator expected
-bash: whoami: command not found
-bash: grep: command not found
-bash: mesg: command not found
-bash: dircolors: command not found
-bash: who: command not found
-bash: cut: command not found
-bash: cut: command not found
-bash: hostname: command not found
-bash: mail: command not found
-bash: date: command not found
-bash: who: command not found
-bash: hostname: command not found
-bash: date: command not found
-bash: who: command not found
-bash: hostname: command not found
-bash: date: command not found
-bash: who: command not found
-bash: cut: command not found
-bash: cut: command not found
-bash: who: command not found
-bash: mail: command not found
-bash: hostname: command not found
-bash: date: command not found
-bash: who: command not found

Using Centos 4.5 on a dual Xeon server with WHM/CP and a few rpm's.

This happened after installing Flash Media Server which has been removed.

Many crucial unix commands are not functioning. Can't even use ping or mkdir, etc.

Any thoughts? Can I avoid an OS restore?

root@host [/bin]#
root@host [/bin]# pwd
root@host [/bin]# echo #path

root@host [/bin]# cd /
root@host [/]# echo /bin/*
/bin/arch /bin/ash /bin/ash.static /bin/awk /bin/basename /bin/bash /bin/bsh /bin/cat /bin/chgrp /bin/chmod /bin/chown /bin/cp /bin/cpio /bin/csh /bin/cut /bin/date /bin/dd /bin/df /bin/dmesg /bin/dnsdomainname /bin/doexec /bin/domainname /bin/dumpkeys /bin/echo /bin/ed /bin/egrep /bin/env /bin/ex /bin/false /bin/fgrep /bin/gawk /bin/gettext /bin/grep /bin/gtar /bin/gunzip /bin/gzip /bin/hostname /bin/igawk /bin/ipcalc /bin/kbd_mode /bin/kill /bin/ksh /bin/link /bin/ln /bin/loadkeys /bin/login /bin/ls /bin/mail /bin/mailx /bin/mkdir /bin/mknod /bin/mktemp /bin/more /bin/mount /bin/mt /bin/mv /bin/netstat /bin/nice /bin/nisdomainname /bin/passwd /bin/pgawk /bin/ping /bin/ping6 /bin/ps /bin/pwd /bin/red /bin/rm /bin/rmdir /bin/rpm /bin/rvi /bin/rview /bin/sed /bin/setfont /bin/setserial /bin/sh /bin/sleep /bin/sort /bin/stty /bin/su /bin/sum /bin/sync /bin/tar /bin/tcsh /bin/touch /bin/tracepath /bin/tracepath6 /bin/traceroute /bin/traceroute6 /bin/true /bin/umount /bin/uname /bin/unicode_start /bin/unicode_stop /bin/unlink /bin/usleep /bin/vi /bin/view /bin/ypdomainname /bin/zcat
root@host [/]# echo /usr/bin*
root@host [/]#