Order process by consumed memory

Hi! I am new to HP-UX. :o

By using the command glance, I found the user memory usage was very high. I would like to know is there any command can show the process which consume most available memory ? (Just like the command top, but order by memory, not CPU)

Something like ?
ant:/home/vbe $ UNIX95=1 /usr/bin/ps -e -o vsz,args | /bin/sort -u -r | sed -n 2,6p
44040 dsmc sched
26772 /opt/hpws/apache/bin/httpd -d /opt/hpws/apache -k start
26132 /opt/hpws/apache/bin/httpd -d /opt/hpws/apache -k start
22588 /opt/java1.3/bin/../bin/PA_RISC2.0/native_threads/java -XdoClos
18228 PatrolAgent
ant:/home/vbe $