OEL 6.3 install disc not booting

I downloaded the OEL 6.3 install disc from Oracle. It is an ISO image ( of around 3 Gb ) and its readme states it is bootable.

However when I try to boot this disc I am getting the error
"Non System Disk or Disk Error. Replace and strike any key"

There was no problem downloading the ISO image or buring it to DVD. I have also checked the BIOS of the HP x86 server I am booting this on ( boot from CD is the first option - indeed you can hear the drive accessing )

I even tried copying the contents of the DVD to a USB external drive and booting from there - however I got the same Non System Disk message.

My hard drive is a completely blank / new hard drive.

Any thoughts as to what the problem could be would be greatly appreciated ?

Copying files to a USB drive does not make it bootable. Especially copying files from a CD onto a USB drive doesn't make it bootable. CD is not hard drive.

Did you burn the ISO as a disk image, or did you end up with a DVD holding one big file named file.iso?

No, I burned the ISO image ok and ended up with a proper bootable DVD. However I am not convinced the image on the Oracle site is correct in the first place ( bold statement ! ). I downloaded it for a 2nd time and got the exact same byte size as my first download. However when I downloaded the OEL 6-2 version instead of 6-3, it installed first time with no problems !

What is the checksum and precise size of the 6.3 file you downloaded ?
Is it named V33411-01.iso ?
Is your hardware 64 bit ?
Did you try loading and booting on the 198 MB boot image iso instead (V33412-01.iso) ?

I downloaded 64-bit OEL 6.3 some weeks ago. It UEFI-installed without any problems and works fine. I just checked. Also have it working in VirtualBox.