OBP command to enable/disable a processor

Hello experts..

How can i enable or disable a processor from OBP(OK prompt)?

Thanks in advance...

afaik you can't do this from obp. on some hardware you can "blacklist" components from systemcontroller (sf15k or midrange systems).

One of my friend asked this question and he told answer also...

I forgot that answer.. I remember that command contains three characters..

Any how thanks for your replay..

It's asr-disable but not all boxes can disable a cpu this way.

Thanks a lot man.........:b:

which boxes can?

Hi this command works for 4X00 Sun boxes
at system controller level

disablecomponent -- add a component to the blacklist

This is the output of showboards if you disable a CPU Board:

/N0/SB2 On CPU Board V2 Assigned Disabled A


I don't have a list nor do I know how to find one. But this is part of a feature called Automatic System Recovery. The idea is that if a device cause the system to crash, that device is disabled and the system tries a reboot. There is a .asr command to see what is disabled and a asr-enable and asr-disable command to update the list. More boxes can disable memory this way than can disable cpu's. My guess is that newer boxes with many cpu's probably have this feature. It's not a feature I really care about so I mostly ignore it.

HP can disable cpu's this way and lock them out with a password. You need another CPU, you buy the password and unlock it. Capacity-on-demand they call it.

cod is also available from sun... for midrange and highend systems... asr is available for some volume systems but i think you can not disable cpu's with asr... but i will lookout the docu about that. thnx...