Number of rows loaded via sqlldr

Hi all,
I'm loading data in database through sqlldr.
I want to know the total record count
And the number of records inserted in table..
what is the logic to achieve that.


just add "log=load.log" in your sqlldr command.
inside log file you will come to know how many records inserted and how many records rejected due to errors.

Actually I don't want full log file
I just want the records loaded n number of records rejected

you have option bad=badfile.log to your sqlldr command.

you can do

cat badfile.log | wc -l

to get rejected records.

You can do

cat  file.csv | wc -l 

to get total records

total records - rejected records = records inserted.


query the table ( select count(*) from table_name) on which you are inserting data to get total inserted records

inserted records

awk ' /Rows successfully loaded/ {print $1}' sqlldr.log

rejected records

awk ' /Rows not loaded due to data errors/ {print $1}' sqlldr.log


I have text file as EG.txt

the file content is like:


when i do /cat AE.txt | wc -l
it displays 2 instead of 3..

Any idea why its showing (number of rows - 1)

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About your question, please make sure you don't have any blank line in the file.

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