Number of CPU & Number of Core

# lscfg -vp|grep -c -E 'proc.*Processor'
# lscfg -vpl sysplanar0 | grep -i way
      8 WAY PROC CUOD :
      8 WAY PROC CUOD :
      8 WAY PROC CUOD :
      8 WAY PROC CUOD :
      8 WAY PROC CUOD :
      8 WAY PROC CUOD :

I have this output and need to know how to interpret.
The number of CPU is 8 for sure. When you say the number of Cores, what is it in this case? lscfg -vpl sysplanar0 | grep -i way shows 8 WAY PROC CUOD , so is it 8 Cores?

An old machine (model: IBM,9111-520) shows 2 CPUs, but no result on lscfg -vpl sysplanar0 | grep -i way . In that case, it has no Core??

Please advise.

"cores" mean what you suspect it to mean: (logical) processors in their own right integrated into one physical chip. POWER7 processors have 8 such cores in every single processor, so they are "8-way processors". Older POWER processors were single core. A display about how many logical ways the system has wouldn't have made sense. Skip the "|grep -i way" from your command and you will see that the output format is slightly different.

"CUOD" is for "customer upgrade on demand". When you order an IBM system it usually comes with maximum resources (processors, memory) physically installed, even if you ordered it with less. This is of no additional cost for you, but the additional hardware is deactivated. If you want to upgrade your system you just call IBM, get a code, which activates part (or all) of these hidden resources. From then on you have to pay the maintenance fee for the bigger system and can use the activated resources normally.

I hope this helps.


Thank you! If no result shows on lscfg -vpl sysplanar0 | grep -i way , what does it mean?

It means that when you run the command:

 lscfg -vpl sysplanar0 

The command output does not contain any lines with the word "way" in them.