NTFS in Linux(fedora)

Can any of you Kind Experts out there plz tell me how to access NTFS partitions in Linux? This thing has been buggin me since my birth so to say.. :confused: Please oblige

There are mainly 2 ways, although there may be more.

The first option is to use the NTFS driver at the Linux kernel. Fedora should have it compiled as module.

The second option is to use the ntfs-3g driver (http://www.ntfs-3g.org/\). It is a user-space driver. Provided your linux kernel has FUSE enabled, you can install and use it without messing with any kernel stuff.

If you need write access to NTFS, you should use ntfs-3g, as it is the only stable driver with NTFS write access from Linux.

If you google "ntfs linux", you will find a lot of pages on using NTFS on Linux. For instance, have you read http://www.linux-ntfs.org "How To Access NTFS From Linux" section? Are you having specific problems with them?

Thank You Sir, that shud be comprehensive enough to solve my problem.. I am going thru the links.. Thanks again..